I highly recommend Justin to preach and sing at your church in whatever capacity God leads you. He has faced many challenges, and yet he loves the Lord with his whole heart. I love him, and our church family loves him. God bless you!
Whether speaking at a revival meeting, camp meeting, church camp, Bible Conference, VBS, crusades, or missions conferences, Bro. Baker brings Bible-based and focused preaching that is relevant and convicting.
Every pastor needs time to be renewed, refreshed, and fed from the Word of God. Bro. Baker is willing and able to assist pastors by preaching while they are away from the pulpit. In cases where a church is in search of a new pastor, Bro. Baker is willing to serve as an interim pastor for an extended period of time.
Godly music helps to prepare our hearts for the message of God's Word. Whether you are having a hymn sing, choir conference, music conference, or just need someone to sing several songs in the service Bro. Baker is willing to help.
Fire Starters is a daily morning devotional from Bro. Justin Baker. If you would like to receive the Fire Starter daily devotional in your inbox each morning, sign up using this link.